【English/日本語】Talking about Social Justice☮ Racism#2 The Cycle of Socialization

☮Social Justice

Hello everyone, what’s up?

In the previous article, I explored racism as a myth that white supremacy dominates.

In this article, we will explore how social orders are maintained.





The Cycle of Socialization◼社会化のサイクルとは

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An article, “The Cycle of Socialization,” was written in 1997 by Bobbie Harro, who is a national authority on social justice issues in the U.S.

この「The Cycle of Socialization」は米国のSocial Justice 問題分野の権威Bobbie Harroによって1997年に書かれた記事です。

Social Identities◼社会的アイデンティティ

People are born into a specific set of social identities, related to the categories of difference, such as below.


category of social identities
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • skin color
  • first language
  • age
  • ability status
  • religion
  • sexual orientation
  • economic class
  • 性別
  • 民族性
  • 肌の色
  • 第一言語
  • 年齢
  • 能力
  • 宗教
  • 性的指向
  • 経済的クラス

These social identities predispose people to unequal roles in the dynamic system of oppression.

People are socialized by powerful sources to play the roles prescribed by an inequitable social system (=systematic training of “how to be”). Its features are as follows.

これらの社会的アイデンティティは、抑圧というダイナミックなシステムの中で人々を不平等な役割に向かわせます。 人々は強力な情報源によってその役割を演じるよう導かれ、不公平な社会システムである、『そのアイデンティティを持つ人はどうあるべきか』という体系的なトレーニングによって規定された役割を演じさせられます。以下のような特徴があります。

  • pervasive
  • consistent
  • circular
  • self-perpetuating
  • often invisible
  • 社会に浸透している
  • 根強く影響している
  • 循環性がある
  • 自己永続性がある
  • しばしば認識するのが難しい

The first step to understand social justice

As your first step, please make a personal inventory of various social identities relating to the categories above.


Click and open the inventory sheet of social identities

The Cycle of Socialization◼社会化のサイクル

The Beginning: Circle no.1🟦はじまり

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Identities are ascribed to people at birth.

  • no effort
  • no choice
  • no reason to blame
  • outside control
  • no initial consciousness


  • 努力が伴わない
  • 選ぶことができない
  • 責任を負う理由はない
  • 制御できない
  • 最初は何の認識もない

In a world innocents people are falling into, there are the following systems already in place and functioning.

already established systems
  • mechanics
  • assumptions
  • rules
  • roles
  • structures of oppression
The systems are based on…
  • history
  • habit
  • tradition
  • patterns of belief
  • prejudices
  • stereotypes
  • myths


  • メカニクス
  • 前提
  • ルール
  • 役割
  • 抑圧の構造
  • 歴史
  • 習慣
  • 伝統
  • 典型的な信条
  • 偏見
  • ステレオタイプ
  • 神話

Dominant groups and subordinate groups

People are categorized into two groups, dominant and subordinate groups of each social identity.


Dominant groups (agents)
  • be considered the “norm.”
  • receive attention and recognition.
  • have more social power.
  • can “name” others.
  • be privileged at birth
  • have choices and opportunities without questioning it.
  • ‘lucky’ to be born into agent groups
  • 「規範」と見なされ ている。
  • 注目され認知されています。
  • より大きな社会的権力を持っています。
  • 他の人に「名前を付ける」ことができます。
  • 生まれた時にその特権を与えられます。
  • それを疑うことはなく、いつも選択肢やチャンスが与えられます。
  • このグループに生まれることができれば、ラッキーです。
Subordinate groups (target)
  • be considered as not important.
  • be virtually invisible or defined by misinformation.
  • be disenfranchised and exploited.
  • be victimized by prejudice, discrimination, obstacles.
  • be devalued by society.
  • ‘unlucky’ to be born into target groups.
  • 「重要ではない」と見なされます。
  • 事実上目に見えなかったり、誤った情報によって定義されています。
  • 権利を剥奪され、搾取されています。
  • 偏見、差別、障害の犠牲になっています。
  • 社会から尊敬に値しないものとして見られます。
  • このグループに生まれることは、不運です。

They influence what people take with them when they venture out of their protected family units into a larger world of other institutions.

When you choose one of the social identities and write down at least ten examples of what you learned about being that identity, you can write more about target identities than agent identities.



First Socialization: Arrow no.1🟩最初の社会化

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Immediately upon birth, people begin to be socialized by people they love and trust the most: caretakers, role models, and teachers. This socialization happens both intrapersonally (how you think of yourself) and interpersonally (how you relate to others.) People don’t initially question anything and unconsciously conform to caretakers’ views. They may unconsciously pass things that they were taught by their caretakers.

what caretakers shape
  • self-concepts
  • self-perceptions
  • the norms
  • rules to play
  • expectations for future
  • how to behave
  • sense of one’s self and the world


  • 自己概念
  • 自己認識
  • 社会規範
  • 生きていく上でのルール
  • 将来への期待
  • 振る舞い方
  • 自分の世界と外の世界との感覚
common advice through socialization
  • “Boys don’t cry.”
  • “You shouldn’t trust white people.”
  • “They’re better than we are. Stay in your place”
  • “Don’t worry if you break the toy. We can always buy another one.”
  • “Christianity is the true religion.”
  • “Don’t tell anyone that your aunt is mentally retarded. It’s embarrassing.”
  • “Don’t kiss other girls. You’re supposed to like boys.”
  • 「男の子は泣いちゃいけない」
  • 「白人は信用しちゃだめ。」
  • 「あの人達は私たちよりも優れているから、あなたは今いる場所にとどまりなさい。」
  • 「おもちゃを壊しても心配しないで、いつでも別のおもちゃを買えるんだから。」
  • 「キリスト教こそが真の宗教なんだ。」
  • 「叔母さんに精神的障害があることは誰にも言っちゃだめだよ。恥ずかしいことなんだからね。」
  • 「他の女の子にキスしちゃだめだよ。あなたは男の子を好きになるんだから。」

Institutional and Cultural socialization : Circle no.2🟨制度的および文化的社会化

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Once people begin to expand social activities, their socialization sources are rapidly multiplied based on how many institutions with which they have contact.

social activities
  • attend school
  • go to a place of worship
  • visit a medical facility
  • play on a sports team
  • work with a social worker
  • seek services or products from a business
  • learn about laws and the legal system


  • 学校に通う
  • 宗教施設行く
  • 病院にいく
  • スポーツチームでプレーする
  • ソーシャルワーカーと関わる
  • ビジネスをするためのサービスや製品を探す
  • 法律と法制度について学ぶ

common message to receive
  • “girls shouldn’t be interested in a woodworking shop class.”
  • “only white students go out for the tennis team.”
  • “it’s okay for wealthy kids to miss classes for a family vacation.”
  • “it’s okay to harass the boy who walks and talks like a girl”
  • “boys are expected to fight and use violence, so they are encouraged to learn how.”
  • “black people are more likely to steal, so store detectives follow them in stores.”
  • “we shouldn’t stare at or ask questions about disabled people; it isn’t polite.”
  • “Gay and lesbian people are sick and perverted.”
  • “Jews are cheap. Arabs are terrorists.”
  • 「女の子は木工のクラスに興味を持っちゃだめ。」
  • 「テニスチームに参加するのは白人だけ」
  • 「裕福家庭の子供が家族での休暇のために授業を欠席しても大丈夫。」
  • 「女の子のように歩いたり話したりする男の子は、からかってもいい。」
  • 「男の子たちはケンカするもの、暴力を振るうもの。男は強さを求められているんだから、その方法を学ぶのは男の子にとって大事なこと。」
  • 「黒人はモノを盗む可能性が高いからが、店の人は目をつけて見張るものだ。」
  • 「私たちは障害者をじっと見たり質問したりするべきじゃない。礼儀の悪いことだ。」
  • 「ゲイとレズビアンの人々は病気で変態だ。」
  • 「ユダヤ人はうすっぺらい。アラブ人はテロリストだ。」

When you are in a dominant group, you may not notice that these above aren’t fair. When you are in a subordinate group, you have a constant feeling of discomfort.

People learn these rules, roles, and assumptions are part of a structure that is larger than just their families.



What makes this ‘brainwashing’ even more insidious is the fact that it is woven into every structural thread of the fabric of culture.

  • The media
  • language patterns
  • the lyrics to songs
  • cultural practices and holidays

You could identify thousands of examples to illustrate the oppressive messages that bombard everyone daily, reinforcing the divisions and ‘justifying’ discrimination and prejudice.


  • メディア
  • 言語パターン
  • 曲の歌詞
  • 文化的慣習やどんな休日が存在するか


Enforcement : Arrow no.2🟧実施

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Why don’t people just begin to think independently if they don’t like them?

➡ We do not ignore them because there is enforcement in place to maintain them.

enforcement for opposing
  • pay a price for their independent thinking.
  • be accused of being troublemakers.
  • be held up as examples of why this target group is inferior to the agent group.



  • 独立した思考をする人は代償を払わされる。
  • 問題児だと非難される。
  • どうして従属グループが支配グループより劣っているかの理由の例として、逆に吊るし上げられる。
punishment to target groups
  • significant higher numbers of people of color are targeted by the criminal justice system.
  • Although the number of crimes white people commit are just as high, white people are less likely to be arrested, charged, convicted, or sentenced to jail than people of color.
  • The more women assert their equal rights, the higher the statistics of battering rises.
  • Two men walking together were beaten, and one died, because they were walking so close that they must be gay.
  • 著しい数の多くの有色人種の人々が、刑事司法制度の標的にされている。
  • 白人が犯す犯罪の数は同程度であっても、白人の逮捕、起訴、有罪判決、または懲役刑を宣告される可能性は黒人のそれより低い。
  • 女性が平等な権利を主張すればするほど、女性への暴力の統計は高くなる。
  • 密接した距離で歩いていた二人の男性が、同性愛者であるに違いないという理由で殴打され、1人が死亡した。

enforcement for complying
  • people who conform minimally receive the benefits and maximally receive rewards and privileges: a team player.
  • 強制に従う人は、小さくても何かしらの利益を受け取り、大きくなるとそれはチームプレーヤーとしての役割を果たしたことの報奨や特権になって送られます。
punishment to agent groups
  • White people who support their colleagues of people of color may be called “n―lover.”
  • Heterosexual men who take on primary child-care responsibilities are accused of being dominated by their spouses, of being “sissies,” or being gay.
  • Middle-class people who work as advocates on economic issues are accused of being do-gooders or self-righteous liberals.
  • 有色人種の同僚を他ポートする白人は、黒人好きと呼ばれるかもしれない。
  • 異性愛者の男性が家事を専業にすると配偶者に支配されていると言われたり、弱虫だ、ゲイだと蔑まれる。
  • 中流階級の人が、貧困問題を解決するための活動に従事したりすると、良い人振っていると言われたり、独善的な自由主義者だと非難される。

Results : Circle no.3🟥結果

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The results of this systematic learning are devastating to all involved. By participating in roles as targets people reinforce stereotypes, collude in their own demise, and perpetuate the system of oppression. This learned helplessness is often called internalized oppression because they have learned to become their own oppressors from within.


examining own target identities
  • a sense of being silenced
  • dissonance between what the U.S. stands for and what people experience
  • low self-esteem
  • high levels of stress
  • a sense of hopelessness
  • dis-empowerment that can lead to crime and self-destructive behavior
  • frustration
  • mistrust
  • dehumanization
  • 沈黙している感覚
  • アメリカという国が表すものと実際に人々が経験しているものズレが引き起こす不協和
  • 低い自己肯定感
  • 高いレベルのストレス
  • 絶望感
  • 犯罪や自己破壊的な行為などのにつながる無力化
  • フラストレーション
  • 人間不信
  • 人間らしさの喪失

To participate in roles as agents, to remain unconscious of, and to be unwilling to interrupt the cycle will let people perpetuate the system of oppression.


examining own agent identities
  • guilt from unearned privilege
  • fear of payback
  • tendency to collude in the system to be self-protective
  • high levels of stress
  • loss of contact with the target groups
  • a sense of distorted reality
  • obliviousness to the damage people do
  • dehumanization
  • 勝ち取らずに得た特権への罪悪感
  • 仕返しへの恐れ
  • システムに加担して自己防衛しようとする傾向
  • 高いレベルのストレス
  • 標的グループとの接触に距離を置く
  • 歪んだ現実感
  • 人々が与えるダメージへの気づき
  • 人間性の喪失

The results are often cited as the problems facing the U.S. today:

  • high drop-out rates
  • crime
  • poverty
  • drugs


  • 高い高校中退率
  • 犯罪
  • 貧困
  • 薬物問題

Ironically, the root causes of them are inherent in the very assumptions on which the society is built:

  • dualism
  • hierarchy
  • competition
  • individualism
  • domination
  • colonialism
  • scarcity principle


  • 二元論
  • 階層
  • 競争
  • 個人主義
  • 支配
  • 植民地主義
  • 希少性の法則

A way that we might personally explore this model is to take one of the societal problems. To trace its root causes back through the cycle to the core belief systems or patterns in U.S. society that feed and play host to it.

It is not a coincidence that the U.S. is suffering from these results today; rather it is a logical outcome of our embracing the status quo, without thinking of challenging.



Actions: arrow no.3🟪行動

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Doing nothing means to become participants. Silence is consent. This cycle doesn’t need active support. Targets are playing their roles as victims, and that supports letting the cycle alive.


What disturb targets?
  • fear of challenging the existing power structure
  • ignorance of seeing the connections to other ‘ism’
  • confusion; difficult to know how to interrupt the system.
  • insecurity: not prepared for interrupting oppression
  • power of powerlessness; think they are not able to make a difference
  • 恐れ:既存の権力構造へ挑戦することは恐い。
  • 無知:他の「差別主義」とのつながりを見ようとしない。
  • 混乱:この社会化というシステムを解釈する方法を手に入れるのは難しい。
  • 不安:抑圧を解釈する準備ができていない 。
  • 無力感の脅威:従属グループは違いを生むことなどできない、とあきらめを感じる。
What disturb agents
  • fear of losing privilege
  • ignorance: they struggle to examine their roles
  • confusion; prevent them from taking action
  • insecurity about taking a stand against oppression
  • power of powerlessness; risk of losing power
  • 恐れ:特権を失うことは恐い。
  • 無知:自分の代行者としての役割に向き合うことに苦労する。
  • 混乱:混乱が行動を起こすことを妨げる。
  • 不安:抑圧に立ち向かうことに対する不安。
  • 無力感の脅威:権力を失い無力になることのリスクを感じる。

Choosing the direction for change◼変えることを選ぶ

What drives people to fight◼不正義と戦うことを可能にする力

A critical incident
  • When injustice or inequity becomes intolerable, people can push themselves into action. The discomfort becomes more powerful than the fear or insecurity and compels them to take some actions.
  • 不公正や不公平が耐えられなくなったとき、人々は行動に移すことができます。不快感が恐怖や不安よりも強力になるとき、何らかの行動を取ることを余儀なくされます。
New awareness:
  • When people gain new consciousness, a different perspective lead them to see the big picture.
  • 人々が新しい意識を獲得するとき、彼らは異なる視点を持つことができ、全体像を見ることができるようになります。
Sharing qualities
  • When people share qualities that have developed as a result of uniting for change, a sense of hope and optimism that people can dismantle oppression grows. A sense of their own efficacy that they can make a difference in the world and an authentic human connection across their differences rather than fearing their differences are schared. People are humanized through action; not dehumanized by oppression.
  • 人々が変化のために団結した結果、成長させた資質を共有することで、人々は抑圧は解消できるのだという希望楽観的な感覚が芽生えます。世界に違いをもたらすことができるのだという自身への確信の感覚が共有されていきます。人同士が異なることに恐れを感じるのではなく、違いを超えた先にある本物の繋がりが共有されていきます。これらの資質は行動を通じて人をより人間らしくしていきます。抑圧によって人が非人間化されていくその反対の道をたどるのです。

Azumi’s view◼アズミの見方

What are the problems of socialization?

Socialization dehumanizes humans and creates social problems. That’s why it is problematic. On the other hand, it is a developed social skill that Sapiens have refined ever since the Cognitive Revolution. In order to mass cooperation and maintain a large-scale network, this hierarchal system has been heavily relied on. It seems that in order to let make people cooperate, we need to curtail our humanity.

It gives people stress, fear, discomfort, dis-empowerment, and so forth. Then, it causes physical and mental illness, violence, substances abuse, dehumanization, and so on.




What is the concept of socialization?

Social identities are something people cannot choose thereby should not force the power dynamics. These identities divide people into two groups: dominant group and subordinate group. It has established systems that let people socialized, and it maintains an unequal society. It creates social issues such as poverty, crime, drugs, and high drop-out rates. However, it is easy to choose not to take action because of the following factors: fear, ignorance, confusion, insecurity, and power of powerlessness. 



How did you like the article?

I like Horro’s assertion that people need to see connections to other ‘ism.’ However, the text is full of stories of the U.S. It doesn’t introduce that how another society has struggled against another hierarchal circle as well as racism in the U.S. Although examining socialization is a tough thing to do, I believe that seeing this issue from a bigger perspective makes it less stressful. For example, I learned the racism is an insane social system without being an agent nor a target. It allows me to observe them interestingly rather than depressively.



How does the article relate to your life?

When I learned this system as an outsider, then it lets me think about what hierarchy Japan possesses. To me, it seems that Japanese society holds deep invisible classism or invisible, even subconscious xenophobia while they value harmony. These contradictions conflict when they are required to accept refugees or demanded to accept the foreign labor force.

So, reflecting on my personal experience, I would suggest people in the U.S. learn something like the Hindu caste system. It might be much easier to understand the problem that people should take action. More a macro perspective, it is also very helpful to learn how humans have grown societies and develop social skills. What has been changed and what hasn’t yet. I would rather go with this much big picture, like 10,000 years span, and see 250 years of the U.S.’s history. Yes, I am implying, why don’t you read Sapiens, a macro history book, with me!! lol




