Where to begin?💥いったい何から始まったのか
This is the story about why on the earth I started to make a blog. It was like this…
An English teacher’s blog👞英語の先生のブログ
One of the blogs I am checking randomly is this one, called “yukeyeigojuku.com.” It provides a lot of information about learning English. It is always striking how impressive this blogger devote to learn English. But I’ve never thought I could do it. So, I didn’t have any interest in it then.
たまにチェックしている一つに “yukeyeigojuku.com“というのがあるんですけど、このブログ著者が英語学習の方法をたくさん紹介してるんですね。で、ほんとにめちゃくちゃたくさん英語を勉強しててすごいなーって感じなんです。で、なんというかレベル違い過ぎて自分もブログやろうなんて思ったことはなかったわけです。いいなぁーって思いながら。
A German online school’s blog👡オンラインドイツ語教室のブログ
Then, another day I encountered this blog, which is called “Vollmond” and it was a site for an online German school that provides a lot of articles for German learning as well. In my mind, I wished if I could have like this website so that worked as a language teacher. But, I simply thought this must be too much work and I don’t think it is going to happen anytime soon. Also, I wanted to get a job at a school where I live, it couldn’t be really something I would like to work on.
A job offer🥿突然の仕事のオファー
One day I got a job offered. It was my first chance I might be able to get a job. I was thrilled, and I visited the school to talk.
What happened was that the offer was really not nice, and the school seemed very sketchy. They told me a group lesson class began in two days, but it would be okay if I just started working in the next week. I was just surprised, how this was the last time offer.
But, their pay was really really low. I sent them my resume one month ago, but they didn’t contact me for one month and now they were offering me a job without a job interview. I thought if it was caused by an urgent incident, they should have offered a better wage, but it was not. Their pay was really really low. It meant this was one of the everyday things for them. This is how they treat a language teacher.
I felt they seemed to be very unprofessional and untrustworthy. I just thought how it was irresponsible as a language school for their students to provide a random last-minute teacher without interviewing. Also, it was unrealistic that they would be able to provide a comfortable working environment including wages to me. I decided not to take the job.
Since I didn’t find any good opportunity to work as a language teacher in this new city, I’ve just moved in last year, I was super anxious about my career future as a language teacher.

A Korean teacher’s blog🥾韓国語教師のブログ
Then, another day, this happened. I was chatting with one of my friends, who is a busy office worker and has begun learning the Korean language, since I am so much a devoted language teacher that I couldn’t resist assisting her even it was not my cup of tea, lol.
When I looked up some information about Korean learning, I encountered this website. The site is called “suzukorea.com”, and it is super cute. What struck me is that it offers multiple different contents, which topics include learning Korea, teaching Japanese, and making a blog, and I found this is super cool.
で、あるサイトに出会います。それがこちらの “suzukorea.com“なんですが、めっちゃくちゃかわいいんです。それから提供しているコンテンツに幅があるのに興味が引かれました。韓国語学習に、日本語教育、それからブログ作成の三本柱だったんですけど、このブログすごいって思ったわけです。
It was really surprising because I’ve never thought I could do it before this website, but her website encouraged me successfully quite quickly. She provides how did she make her blog. It convinced me so well that I felt that I can do this too if I follow her instructions. Now, I determined myself be a professional language teacher via a blog!
A blogger’s blog👢ブロガーのブログ
Next, I visited a website that she recommended for starting a blog, “hitodeblog.com.” I really like the author’s idea that a blog makes people’s life fulfilled. He says like “Shut up everyone, and let’s just begin!!” Also, he emphasized that a blog is a great tool to share your interests with others and make friends and that blog is a better tool than social media since it can have more information. I just love his ideas. So, I determined to start a blog.
I have been thinking if I can create a space that language learners interact with one another but I didn’t have any solid ideas. Now, this hit me. It gives me so much energy to do something new, something I wanted to do, and something that attracts me.
My friend’s blog👟友達のブログ
Also, another thing that motivates me is that my podcast partner Chris has begun his blog too. As you might know, it would be really encouraging if you have someone to work on something together! I thought “This is Now or Never.”

I hope that reading my posts gives readers some insights to do something new and interesting for them! I am so motivated!! See you soon!