
子こどもの心こころや体からだを傷きずつける虐待ぎゃくたい 今いままででいちばん多おおくなる
Record child abuse cases handled in FY2020
There is a well known Japanese movie, 誰も知らない, directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. This movie most notably won the Best Actor at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. This might help you to understand what it would be like.
Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talkをおうえんしてほしい
Thanks for accessing my content. I began this personal project for many reasons. Some are altruistic, others for myself. Both are crucial for me to continue it. And, I am hoping if you can show your interest in my content in some ways. One way is contacting me via text. Another way is here, donation. It would be great for me to know that someone wants to listen to my channel. I actually do not like doing this kind of thing. You know, it could be a strong impact for me to receive, if it doesn’t work. In the end, the attempt to seek people’s support can show the reality that no one actually likes it. So, it takes 400th episodes for me to make this big step. So far, as I expected, no one has appeared yet. But, I am going to be patient, probably until 500th? haha So, if you’d be kind to support me, please visit the following link! ありがとう。