
Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #404

Summary Azumiの一言 At the end of the article of News Web Easy, they say わかりました'It is found that,' as if it has just been d...
🇺🇸English✕ 上級日本語🇯🇵

【English /日本語】Read an English book📖英語の本を読もう📚Sway―chapter#2 The Pull of Commitment

英語でSway を読もう📖#2 ここは英語学習者と日本語学習者のみなさんのためのページです For English learners! Hello everyone, how's your English learning journey ...

Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #403

Summary Azumiの一言 Have you watched "Lupin III"? Can you imagine one of the character's voices is actually 88-year-old? Mr...

Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #402

Summary 新型しんがたコロナで生活せいかつに困こまって食たべ物ものをもらう人ひとが去年きょねんの2倍ばい以上いじょう Azumiの一言 Do you know the poverty line? It is the borderlin...

Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #401

Summary 子こどもの心こころや体からだを傷きずつける虐待ぎゃくたい 今いままででいちばん多おおくなる Record child abuse cases handled in FY2020 Azumiの一言 There is a wel...
🇺🇸English✕ 上級日本語🇯🇵

【English/日本語】Read an English book📖英語の本を読もう📚Sapiens―chapter#9 Unification

英語でSapiens を読もう📖#9 ここは英語学習者と日本語学習者のみなさんのためのページです For English learners! Hello everyone, how's your English learning journ...

Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #400

Hit 400th episodes!! ありがとう、めっちゃありがとう!!! Summary Azumiの一言 The severe Ablism in Japan in the light of reward from the Japa...

Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #399

Summary 🔗政府せいふ「客きゃくに渡わたす12の品物しなものにプラスチックを使つかわないで」 🔗Government measures take aim at plastic waste AzumiにContact Twitch(av...
☮Social Justice

【English/日本語】Talking about Social Justice☮ Racism#3 Internalized Oppression

Hello everyone, what's up? In my previous articles, I explore the article of the cycle of socialization and TED-Talk of ...
☮Social Justice

【English/日本語】Talking about Social Justice☮ Racism#2 The Cycle of Socialization

Hello everyone, what's up? In the previous article, I explored racism as a myth that white supremacy dominates. In this ...