Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk🎙 #423



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Make a sentence with today’s word



Today’s article is about Mount Aso. Although I thought this mountain is called ‘Aso-zan,’ the furigana showed ‘Aso-san.’

There is a phenomenon called Rendaku, in which the latter part of a compound word transformed unvoiced to voiced. In the episode, I explained with a word, letter: Tegami. The word itself consists of “Te” and “Kami” but it became Tegami instead of Tekami.

It occurs when the latter part of a compound word begins with consonants, K, S, T or H.

So, following the basic rule, I thought it would be ‘Aso-zan’ however, NHK chose ‘Aso-san.’

There are some exceptions. One says if the two parts of the word are equally important elements, it doesn’t voice. Such as Yama+Kawa, Suki+Kirai. I suppose ‘Aso-san’ can be categorized in this group, a link above provides the stats of Furigana of Mount Aso.






Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talkをおうえんしてほしい

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